Members of:

"Life" National Rifle Association
"Life" Maine Professional Guides Association
"Life" North American Hunting Club
"Life" Sportsman Alliance of Maine
"Life" Maine Bowhunters Association
Christian Bowhunters of America
"Life" Michigan Bowhunters Association
"Life" United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania
"Life" United Bowhunters of Kentucky

Sportsman's, Forest Landowner Alliance of Maine
"Life" West Virginia United Bowhunters Association
"Life" Handgun Hunters International
Northern Ontario T. O. Association
Ted Nugent - United Sportsmen of America
Blackpowder International
Wildlife Legislative Fund of America
Ruffed Grouse Society
Citizens Committee For The Right To Keep and Bear Arms

Ruffed Grouse Society
National Rifle Association
North American Hunting Club

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Page Updated January 1, 2020.